Portfolio Example Project Three

Relational Zoom Sessions

Design challenge:

  • Create a relational, participatory space in Zoom.

  • Sessions range from 20 to 100 participants.


Below are some ingredients that contribute to participatory and relational Zoom sessions.

  • Design Process

    It all starts at the very beginning in the design process, especially getting clear on the purpose, people, harvest/outputs, and principles to guide the meeting experience (e.g. Importance of ceremony in this work, Creating a caring space amidst legacy of harm). See planning video overview here and Meeting Planning Tool here.

  • Invitation Process

    Invitation process that has minimal preparation for participants, not copious documents to review ahead of time. Include an “Introductions Padlet” to begin to meet each other before the meeting. This minimal but personal prep helps folks show up ready to participate amidst their very busy days.

  • Warm Welcome

    Welcome people into the Zoom meeting with a custom impage displayed in the Zoom Waiting Room, and playing music once they arrive so they aren’t coming into an empty space. The music is specifically curated to align with the meeting and represent a diversity of artists.

  • Small Groups Check-In

    Breakout rooms with small groups for introductions and check-in instead of lengthy whole-group introductions, then back into working together - a cadence that builds comfort for participants. The breakout rooms are carefully curated to mix people up, with staff distributed across breakout rooms to support the conversations as needed.

  • Space + Beauty

    Bringing space and beauty into Zoom by having a Centre image displayed in Zoom, and inviting everyone to contribute to the Zoom space by uploading photos of meaningful objects related to the meeting topic on a Padlet.

  • Whole - Small - Whole

    Use a combination of whole group conversation and small group conversation, in different configurations. Smaller groups allow for relationship building as well as more air-time for participants to contribute, and whole group conversation allows for witnessing, listening and learning by everyone.

  • Shared Harvesting

    Build in different ways of gathering people’s thoughts and sharing information e.g. individual notes, group notes, verbal sharing with note-takers, writing in the Zoom chat, and using online collaboration tools. Sharing the pen is sharing power, and creates multiple pathways for participation and connection. More tips for creating presence, participation and co-creation online are here.

  • Care Plan

    Create a care plan for participants e.g. external support phone line, cultural support from Elders and cultural support workers, emotional support resource people, supportive allies, Quiet Room/Chill Spaces available in Zoom Breakout Rooms, and more.

  • Wellness Practices

    Invite people to be in their personal wellness practice and presence practices e.g. knitting, crocheting, beading, colouring, writing, drawing, doodling, fidget toys, colouring pages. Offer agency and choice for participation e.g. opt out of small groups or if there are folks prefer to be with in small groups. Explicitly inviting these practices can especially support neurodiverse participants.


Hybrid Working Session Example


Online Harvesting Examples